Hybrid is our future…now what?

Hybrid is our future…now what?

Written by Jaime Theresa Smith, CMP
National Account Manager

Hybrid is the future of how we will meet–with us having an in-person component and an online one–in some form or fashion. It will be our way of meeting everyone’s needs as well as achieving our meeting planning goals. Eventually the name “hybrid” will go away so we won’t have to focus on it like we did the word “pivot” during the pandemic. This is ultimately the best of both worlds, as long as we create the right impact for each audience.

Let’s get creative with how we build these future events. This is our chance to change the industry, and make these experiences enhanced engagements in order to achieve the connection we have been craving while only meeting virtually. 

Where should we begin? Let’s reflect back on the successes of what came out of being virtual only. 

  • Better online. Some webinars or events may never go back to in person, which allows for a creative, new in-person experience.

  • Cost effective. In some cases, the event was more cost effective for both the planner and the attendee. Has anyone heard of Zoom, Teams, WebEx, or Skype?

  • Accessibility. There was an ability to have a larger reach which meant more attendees learning from you.

  • On-demand content. The content was available after the fact for even more attendees to consume what you have to offer.

  • New skills/certification. We are all learning every day.

  • Lower carbon footprint. We only have one planet.

Now, determine what’s best for your next event and your attendees by starting at the beginning. What are your goals? Determining the outcome will help you circle back to finding your how, when, and where. This is how we have always, or should have always, built our events. Keep doing that. Anyone heard of the #eventcanvas method? Work with your partners! They are there for a reason, which is to help you succeed. 

Create the right impact for each audience: 


  • Content and /networking deliverables. Let’s get back to multiple education tracks and hands-on workshops as well as that ever-missed exhibitor experience.

  • Model healthy behaviors. Have a welcoming environment, but have your safety protocols and guidelines well communicated and addressed.

  • Work with the venue and partners to make sure everyone is on the same page for all of your meeting needs.


  • Infinity loop. Make it an ongoing dialogue and experience before, during, and after so everyone feels included.

  • Single education track. Keep it simple and focused.

  • Determine how to engage everyone within their format so that both experiences are well received and all expectations have been met. 

Start early, communicate clearly and often, and be flexible! Don’t forget about meeting fatigue for both events. Getting creative with your agendas will help with that latter point. Just as the “new normal” won’t be the same, our events shouldn’t be either. Try something new. Meet the needs of your attendees, stakeholders, and collaborate with others. We were “in it together” during the height of the pandemic, and we continue being in it together moving forward. 

The only thing constant is change. Embrace it!